Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pull-List for 9/12/2012

Fanboys vs Zombies (6) ☐
The Massive (4) ☐
Demon Knights (0) ☐
Green Lantern Corps (0) ☐
Ravages (0) ☐
Resurrection Man (0) ☐
A vs X (11) ☐
Avenging Spidwr-Man (12) ☐
Fantastic Four (610) ☐
Scarlet Spider (9) ☐
Uncanny X-Men (18) ☐
Wolverine & the X-Men (16) ☐
Avengers Assemble (7) ☐
Team 7 (0)(if available if not digital) ☐ Cloak & Dagger Vol. 4 (1)(if available if not digital)

List too long.....

Friday, September 7, 2012

My Take On Wolverine & the X-Men 15........

Simply one of the best books out there and that continues with this issue. Art and fantastic story. The complete package!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pull-List for 9/5/2012

Hypernaturals (3)
Before Watchmen Silk Spectre (3)
Earth (0)
Amazing Spider-Man (693)
Big Hero 6 (One Shot)
First X-Men (2)
Hawkeye (2)
Thanos Quest (One Shot)
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (14)
Archer & Armstrong (2)

Looking forward to a bunch of these.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Pull-List for 8/29/2012

Higher Earth (4)
Justice League (12)
Amazing Spider-Man (11)
Captain Marvel (3)
Gambit (3)
Wolverine & the X-Men (15)

Short list this week.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pull-List for 8/22/2012

Batman Incorporated (3)
Teen Titans (12)
Invincible (94)
Amazing Spider-Man (692)
Uncanny X-Men (17)
Planetoid (3)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pull-List for 8/15/2012

Green Lantern Corps (12)
Red Hood & The Outlaws (12)
Saga (6)
Amazing Spider-Man (691)
Avengers vs. X-Men (10)
Captain Marvel (2)
Daredevil (17)

Friday, August 10, 2012

My take on Rock Creek Park and the Westridge Trail.............

In an effort to get more active I have returned to something that I have always enjoyed, hiking. When I 'hiked' before it was under totally different circumstances, I was in the military. I was an infantry soldier so 'road marching' was something that we did regularly. Technically 'road marching' isn't really an equivalent to hiking it's more like just average infantry terrain traveling. We would often be at a position and be given another position some random direction and distance away and told to go there as fast as possible, that is more like hiking to me. Well let's just say, when I was in the military I was in a lot better shape.

 This being my first hike since my military days my guide, we'll call him E7, took me on a fairly short hike. If I had to put a distance on it I'd say it was around three to four miles. We saw a few rather large Bullfrogs hiding under stones along the way and many beautiful points along the creek. What I learned is I need to build my leg strength and wind back up to what it used to be in my 'glory days'. I plan on going on some shorter hikes to aid in that. I found a nice short trail very close to my house. I will do that one shortly.

Pull-List For 8/8/2012

Fanboys vs. Zombies (5)
The Massive (3)
B.W. Ozymandius (2)
Demon Knights (12)
The Ravagers (4)
Resurrection Man (12)
Daredevil Annual (1)
Fantastic Four (609)
Scarlet Spider (8)
Spider*Men (4)
Gambit (1)
Archer & Armstrong (1) Avengers Assemble (6)

Now that's a list!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pull-List For 8/1/2012

Higher Earth (3)
Hypernaturals (2)
Batwing (12)
Earth 2 (4)
Age of Apocalypse (6) (Can't remember if
I'm off of this one or not. If its in my box
I will skim it. If it looks better, I'll get it. If
not, dropping it.)
Avengers vs Xmen (9)
Avenging Spiderman (10)
Daredevil (16)
First Xmen (1)
Hawkeye (1)
Ultimate Comics Spiderman (13)

Whewwwwwww! A lot of books this week. Also there's a big sale at my local shop. They are having buy 2 trades get 1 free. Getting some mix of Sandman and Guardians of the Galaxy trades.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pull-List for July 25

Looks like I have a light week (wallet exhales.....).

Teen Titans 11
Amazing Spiderman 690
Hit-Girl 2
Wolverine & The Xmen 14

Monday, July 9, 2012

My take on....... Batman Incorporate #2

This is going to be short and to the point. Wow! I'm glad that I never really got into Batman before. It's making reading the occasional Batman book even better now. B.I. is great. Definitely check it out. The art by Chris Burnham is fantastic!


Friday, July 6, 2012

My take on............ Demon Knights

Everytime I get home with my tall stack of comics I somehow always seem to end up with Demon Knights if not on the bottom, close to it. I am going to change that. From now on it will place higher for sure. I have been enjoying it since its launch last year. It reminds me of my Father he was an avid Conan reader, and every once and a while I would sneak a read of his books. I think that's where I got my love for fantasy. He used to tell me that books were his escape. He could just leave the real world behind and go somwhere else for a little while. And it seems DK is just that for me. No capes, no cowels, just swords, sorcery, excellent writing, and great art.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My take on.......... Daredevil #14

After hearing all of the hype surround Mark Waid's Daredevil I decided  that at the very least I should give it a shot. I went to my local shop and luckily they had almost all of the issues already released, and and the two issues that they didn't have I just bought digitally. I immediately started reading them and was very impressed. The writing was great, and the art, while not exactly my thing, fit the writing perfectly. I have been reading monthly ever since.

Issue #14 is pretty much more of the same solid writing with the addition of a new device that puts the Devil to the test. Without spoiling to much the senses he has come to trust and lean on in the absence of his sight are slowly stripped away only to leave him struggling to walk let alone soar through the skies as he usually does. The final page just brings it all together and leaves you anxious for the next issue.

Not only should you jump on now, but do yourself a favor and seek out the back issues. You won't be disappointed.


How to Spawn Slimes in Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition

I am going to tell you how to spawn slimes in Minecraft 360 Edition. The first thing you should do is:

1. Make stairs that go all the way down to bedrock.
2. Next, make a room in the dimensions of 40 x 40 x 4.*Note: The difficulty should be on peaceful.*
3. Now, you will need tons of torches. the torches prevent other mobs from spawning and slimes love light.
4. Now that you have the spawning area ready, don't bother it. Give it some time, they will not spawn as easily as a creeper or a zombie.
5. When you eventually check on your slime spawn and you hear the sound of someone slapping a    fish(roughly how it sounds), a slime may have spawned.

Picture of a slime.

I hope this helps you spawn slimes and get their slimeballs. Good luck!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I know a lot of people that play Modern Warfare 3 might have trouble coming up with a class to use. Whether it's an all around class, or for an objective based game mode, I can help. I will put up classes for everything from all around classes, to classes for rushing an sniping. I hope these classes help you succeed in Modern Warfare 3.

Reading List 7/4/2012

About a year ago I decided to return to comics. I really missed the great feeling of escape they provided me when I was younger. I thought I would just dip my toes back into the vast pool of comics and keep my reading list small. So a year and two or three short boxes later, and I am back in full-on 'collector mode'.

I thought that sharing my weekly reading list would be fun.

So here goes......

Reading List for 7/4/2012

Fanboys vs Zombies                   #4
Earth 2                                          #3
Invincible                                      #93
Avengers Vs. X-Men                  #7
Spider-Men                                 #2
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man    #12
Uncanny X-Men                          #12

I will try post some brief reviews here and there. I usually pick up my books bi-weekly. If I missed a good book let me know.
