Monday, August 27, 2012

Pull-List for 8/29/2012

Higher Earth (4)
Justice League (12)
Amazing Spider-Man (11)
Captain Marvel (3)
Gambit (3)
Wolverine & the X-Men (15)

Short list this week.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pull-List for 8/22/2012

Batman Incorporated (3)
Teen Titans (12)
Invincible (94)
Amazing Spider-Man (692)
Uncanny X-Men (17)
Planetoid (3)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pull-List for 8/15/2012

Green Lantern Corps (12)
Red Hood & The Outlaws (12)
Saga (6)
Amazing Spider-Man (691)
Avengers vs. X-Men (10)
Captain Marvel (2)
Daredevil (17)

Friday, August 10, 2012

My take on Rock Creek Park and the Westridge Trail.............

In an effort to get more active I have returned to something that I have always enjoyed, hiking. When I 'hiked' before it was under totally different circumstances, I was in the military. I was an infantry soldier so 'road marching' was something that we did regularly. Technically 'road marching' isn't really an equivalent to hiking it's more like just average infantry terrain traveling. We would often be at a position and be given another position some random direction and distance away and told to go there as fast as possible, that is more like hiking to me. Well let's just say, when I was in the military I was in a lot better shape.

 This being my first hike since my military days my guide, we'll call him E7, took me on a fairly short hike. If I had to put a distance on it I'd say it was around three to four miles. We saw a few rather large Bullfrogs hiding under stones along the way and many beautiful points along the creek. What I learned is I need to build my leg strength and wind back up to what it used to be in my 'glory days'. I plan on going on some shorter hikes to aid in that. I found a nice short trail very close to my house. I will do that one shortly.

Pull-List For 8/8/2012

Fanboys vs. Zombies (5)
The Massive (3)
B.W. Ozymandius (2)
Demon Knights (12)
The Ravagers (4)
Resurrection Man (12)
Daredevil Annual (1)
Fantastic Four (609)
Scarlet Spider (8)
Spider*Men (4)
Gambit (1)
Archer & Armstrong (1) Avengers Assemble (6)

Now that's a list!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pull-List For 8/1/2012

Higher Earth (3)
Hypernaturals (2)
Batwing (12)
Earth 2 (4)
Age of Apocalypse (6) (Can't remember if
I'm off of this one or not. If its in my box
I will skim it. If it looks better, I'll get it. If
not, dropping it.)
Avengers vs Xmen (9)
Avenging Spiderman (10)
Daredevil (16)
First Xmen (1)
Hawkeye (1)
Ultimate Comics Spiderman (13)

Whewwwwwww! A lot of books this week. Also there's a big sale at my local shop. They are having buy 2 trades get 1 free. Getting some mix of Sandman and Guardians of the Galaxy trades.